Source code for molvs.tautomer

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

This module contains tools for enumerating tautomers and determining a canonical tautomer.

:copyright: Copyright 2016 by Matt Swain.
:license: MIT, see LICENSE file for more details.

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import division
import copy
import logging

from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem.rdchem import BondDir, BondStereo, BondType

from .utils import memoized_property, pairwise

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class TautomerTransform(object): """Rules to transform one tautomer to another. Each TautomerTransform is defined by a SMARTS pattern where the transform involves moving a hydrogen from the first atom in the pattern to the last atom in the pattern. By default, alternating single and double bonds along the pattern are swapped accordingly to account for the hydrogen movement. If necessary, the transform can instead define custom resulting bond orders and also resulting atom charges. """ BONDMAP = {'-': BondType.SINGLE, '=': BondType.DOUBLE, '#': BondType.TRIPLE, ':': BondType.AROMATIC} CHARGEMAP = {'+': 1, '0': 0, '-': -1} def __init__(self, name, smarts, bonds=(), charges=(), radicals=()): """Initialize a TautomerTransform with a name, SMARTS pattern and optional bonds and charges. The SMARTS pattern match is applied to a Kekule form of the molecule, so use explicit single and double bonds rather than aromatic. Specify custom bonds as a string of ``-``, ``=``, ``#``, ``:`` for single, double, triple and aromatic bonds respectively. Specify custom charges as ``+``, ``0``, ``-`` for +1, 0 and -1 charges respectively. :param string name: A name for this TautomerTransform. :param string smarts: SMARTS pattern to match for the transform. :param string bonds: Optional specification for the resulting bonds. :param string charges: Optional specification for the resulting charges on the atoms. """ = name self.tautomer_str = smarts self.bonds = [self.BONDMAP[b] for b in bonds] self.charges = [self.CHARGEMAP[b] for b in charges] # TODO: Raise error (ValueError?) if bonds and charges lists are not the correct length @memoized_property def tautomer(self): return Chem.MolFromSmarts(self.tautomer_str) def __repr__(self): return 'TautomerTransform({!r}, {!r}, {!r}, {!r})'.format(, self.tautomer_str, self.bonds, self.charges) def __str__(self): return
[docs]class TautomerScore(object): """A substructure defined by SMARTS and its score contribution to determine the canonical tautomer.""" def __init__(self, name, smarts, score): """Initialize a TautomerScore with a name, SMARTS pattern and score. :param name: A name for this TautomerScore. :param smarts: SMARTS pattern to match a substructure. :param score: The score to assign for this substructure. """ = name self.smarts_str = smarts self.score = score @memoized_property def smarts(self): return Chem.MolFromSmarts(self.smarts_str) def __repr__(self): return 'TautomerScore({!r}, {!r}, {!r})'.format(, self.smarts_str, self.score) def __str__(self): return
#: The default list of TautomerTransforms. TAUTOMER_TRANSFORMS = ( TautomerTransform('1,3 (thio)keto/enol f', '[CX4!H0]-[C]=[O,S,Se,Te;X1]'), TautomerTransform('1,3 (thio)keto/enol r', '[O,S,Se,Te;X2!H0]-[C]=[C]'), TautomerTransform('1,5 (thio)keto/enol f', '[CX4,NX3;!H0]-[C]=[C][CH0]=[O,S,Se,Te;X1]'), TautomerTransform('1,5 (thio)keto/enol r', '[O,S,Se,Te;X2!H0]-[CH0]=[C]-[C]=[C,N]'), TautomerTransform('aliphatic imine f', '[CX4!H0]-[C]=[NX2]'), TautomerTransform('aliphatic imine r', '[NX3!H0]-[C]=[CX3]'), TautomerTransform('special imine f', '[N!H0]-[C]=[CX3R0]'), TautomerTransform('special imine r', '[CX4!H0]-[c]=[n]'), TautomerTransform('1,3 aromatic heteroatom H shift f', '[#7!H0]-[#6R1]=[O,#7X2]'), TautomerTransform('1,3 aromatic heteroatom H shift r', '[O,#7;!H0]-[#6R1]=[#7X2]'), TautomerTransform('1,3 heteroatom H shift', '[#7,S,O,Se,Te;!H0]-[#7X2,#6,#15]=[#7,#16,#8,Se,Te]'), TautomerTransform('1,5 aromatic heteroatom H shift', '[#7,#16,#8;!H0]-[#6,#7]=[#6]-[#6,#7]=[#7,#16,#8;H0]'), TautomerTransform('1,5 aromatic heteroatom H shift f', '[#7,#16,#8,Se,Te;!H0]-[#6,nX2]=[#6,nX2]-[#6,#7X2]=[#7X2,S,O,Se,Te]'), TautomerTransform('1,5 aromatic heteroatom H shift r', '[#7,S,O,Se,Te;!H0]-[#6,#7X2]=[#6,nX2]-[#6,nX2]=[#7,#16,#8,Se,Te]'), TautomerTransform('1,7 aromatic heteroatom H shift f', '[#7,#8,#16,Se,Te;!H0]-[#6,#7X2]=[#6,#7X2]-[#6,#7X2]=[#6]-[#6,#7X2]=[#7X2,S,O,Se,Te,CX3]'), TautomerTransform('1,7 aromatic heteroatom H shift r', '[#7,S,O,Se,Te,CX4;!H0]-[#6,#7X2]=[#6]-[#6,#7X2]=[#6,#7X2]-[#6,#7X2]=[NX2,S,O,Se,Te]'), TautomerTransform('1,9 aromatic heteroatom H shift f', '[#7,O;!H0]-[#6,#7X2]=[#6,#7X2]-[#6,#7X2]=[#6,#7X2]-[#6,#7X2]=[#6,#7X2]-[#6,#7X2]=[#7,O]'), TautomerTransform('1,11 aromatic heteroatom H shift f', '[#7,O;!H0]-[#6,nX2]=[#6,nX2]-[#6,nX2]=[#6,nX2]-[#6,nX2]=[#6,nX2]-[#6,nX2]=[#6,nX2]-[#6,nX2]=[#7X2,O]'), TautomerTransform('furanone f', '[O,S,N;!H0]-[#6r5]=[#6X3r5;$([#6]([#6r5])=[#6r5])]'), TautomerTransform('furanone r', '[#6r5!H0;$([#6]([#6r5])[#6r5])]-[#6r5]=[O,S,N]'), TautomerTransform('keten/ynol f', '[C!H0]=[C]=[O,S,Se,Te;X1]', bonds='#-'), TautomerTransform('keten/ynol r', '[O,S,Se,Te;!H0X2]-[C]#[C]', bonds='=='), TautomerTransform('ionic nitro/aci-nitro f', '[C!H0]-[N+;$([N][O-])]=[O]'), TautomerTransform('ionic nitro/aci-nitro r', '[O!H0]-[N+;$([N][O-])]=[C]'), TautomerTransform('oxim/nitroso f', '[O!H0]-[N]=[C]'), TautomerTransform('oxim/nitroso r', '[C!H0]-[N]=[O]'), TautomerTransform('oxim/nitroso via phenol f', '[O!H0]-[N]=[C]-[C]=[C]-[C]=[OH0]'), TautomerTransform('oxim/nitroso via phenol r', '[O!H0]-[c]=[c]-[c]=[c]-[N]=[OH0]'), TautomerTransform('cyano/iso-cyanic acid f', '[O!H0]-[C]#[N]', bonds='=='), TautomerTransform('cyano/iso-cyanic acid r', '[N!H0]=[C]=[O]', bonds='#-'), # TautomerTransform('formamidinesulfinic acid f', '[O,N;!H0]-[C]=[S,Se,Te]=[O]', bonds='=--'), # TODO: WAT!? # TautomerTransform('formamidinesulfinic acid r', '[O!H0]-[S,Se,Te]-[C]=[O,N]', bonds='=--'), TautomerTransform('isocyanide f', '[C-0!H0]#[N+0]', bonds='#', charges='-+'), TautomerTransform('isocyanide r', '[N+!H0]#[C-]', bonds='#', charges='-+'), TautomerTransform('phosphonic acid f', '[OH]-[PH0]', bonds='='), TautomerTransform('phosphonic acid r', '[PH]=[O]', bonds='-'), ) #: The default list of TautomerScores. TAUTOMER_SCORES = ( TautomerScore('benzoquinone', '[#6]1([#6]=[#6][#6]([#6]=[#6]1)=,:[N,S,O])=,:[N,S,O]', 25), TautomerScore('oxim', '[#6]=[N][OH]', 4), TautomerScore('C=O', '[#6]=,:[#8]', 2), TautomerScore('N=O', '[#7]=,:[#8]', 2), TautomerScore('P=O', '[#15]=,:[#8]', 2), TautomerScore('C=hetero', '[#6]=[!#1;!#6]', 1), TautomerScore('methyl', '[CX4H3]', 1), TautomerScore('guanidine terminal=N', '[#7][#6](=[NR0])[#7H0]', 1), TautomerScore('guanidine endocyclic=N', '[#7;R][#6;R]([N])=[#7;R]', 2), TautomerScore('aci-nitro', '[#6]=[N+]([O-])[OH]', -4), ) #: The default value for the maximum number of tautomers to enumerate, a limit to prevent combinatorial explosion. MAX_TAUTOMERS = 1000
[docs]class TautomerCanonicalizer(object): """ """ def __init__(self, transforms=TAUTOMER_TRANSFORMS, scores=TAUTOMER_SCORES, max_tautomers=MAX_TAUTOMERS): """ :param transforms: A list of TautomerTransforms to use to enumerate tautomers. :param scores: A list of TautomerScores to use to choose the canonical tautomer. :param max_tautomers: The maximum number of tautomers to enumerate, a limit to prevent combinatorial explosion. """ self.transforms = transforms self.scores = scores self.max_tautomers = max_tautomers
[docs] def __call__(self, mol): """Calling a TautomerCanonicalizer instance like a function is the same as calling its canonicalize(mol) method.""" return self.canonicalize(mol)
[docs] def canonicalize(self, mol): """Return a canonical tautomer by enumerating and scoring all possible tautomers. :param mol: The input molecule. :type mol: :rdkit:`Mol <Chem.rdchem.Mol-class.html>` :return: The canonical tautomer. :rtype: :rdkit:`Mol <Chem.rdchem.Mol-class.html>` """ # TODO: Overload the mol parameter to pass a list of pre-enumerated tautomers tautomers = self._enumerate_tautomers(mol) if len(tautomers) == 1: return tautomers[0] # Calculate score for each tautomer highest = None for t in tautomers: smiles = Chem.MolToSmiles(t, isomericSmiles=True) log.debug('Tautomer: %s', smiles) score = 0 # Add aromatic ring scores ssr = Chem.GetSymmSSSR(t) for ring in ssr: btypes = {t.GetBondBetweenAtoms(*pair).GetBondType() for pair in pairwise(ring)} elements = {t.GetAtomWithIdx(idx).GetAtomicNum() for idx in ring} if btypes == {BondType.AROMATIC}: log.debug('Score +100 (aromatic ring)') score += 100 if elements == {6}: log.debug('Score +150 (carbocyclic aromatic ring)') score += 150 # Add SMARTS scores for tscore in self.scores: for match in t.GetSubstructMatches(tscore.smarts): log.debug('Score %+d (%s)', tscore.score, score += tscore.score # Add (P,S,Se,Te)-H scores for atom in t.GetAtoms(): if atom.GetAtomicNum() in {15, 16, 34, 52}: hs = atom.GetTotalNumHs() if hs: log.debug('Score %+d (%s-H bonds)', -hs, atom.GetSymbol()) score -= hs # Set as highest if score higher or if score equal and smiles comes first alphabetically if not highest or highest['score'] < score or (highest['score'] == score and smiles < highest['smiles']): log.debug('New highest tautomer: %s (%s)', smiles, score) highest = {'smiles': smiles, 'tautomer': t, 'score': score} return highest['tautomer']
@memoized_property def _enumerate_tautomers(self): return TautomerEnumerator(self.transforms, self.max_tautomers)
[docs]class TautomerEnumerator(object): """ """ def __init__(self, transforms=TAUTOMER_TRANSFORMS, max_tautomers=MAX_TAUTOMERS): """ :param transforms: A list of TautomerTransforms to use to enumerate tautomers. :param max_tautomers: The maximum number of tautomers to enumerate (limit to prevent combinatorial explosion). """ self.transforms = transforms self.max_tautomers = max_tautomers
[docs] def __call__(self, mol): """Calling a TautomerEnumerator instance like a function is the same as calling its enumerate(mol) method.""" return self.enumerate(mol)
[docs] def enumerate(self, mol): """Enumerate all possible tautomers and return them as a list. :param mol: The input molecule. :type mol: :rdkit:`Mol <Chem.rdchem.Mol-class.html>` :return: A list of all possible tautomers of the molecule. :rtype: list of :rdkit:`Mol <Chem.rdchem.Mol-class.html>` """ smiles = Chem.MolToSmiles(mol, isomericSmiles=True) tautomers = {smiles: copy.deepcopy(mol)} # Create a kekulized form of the molecule to match the SMARTS against kekulized = copy.deepcopy(mol) Chem.Kekulize(kekulized) kekulized = {smiles: kekulized} done = set() while len(tautomers) < self.max_tautomers: for tsmiles in sorted(tautomers): if tsmiles in done: continue for transform in self.transforms: for match in kekulized[tsmiles].GetSubstructMatches(transform.tautomer): # log.debug('Matched rule: %s to %s for %s',, tsmiles, match) # Create a copy of in the input molecule so we can modify it # Use kekule form so bonds are explicitly single/double instead of aromatic product = copy.deepcopy(kekulized[tsmiles]) # Remove a hydrogen from the first matched atom and add one to the last first = product.GetAtomWithIdx(match[0]) last = product.GetAtomWithIdx(match[-1]) # log.debug('%s: H%s -> H%s' % (first.GetSymbol(), first.GetTotalNumHs(), first.GetTotalNumHs() - 1)) # log.debug('%s: H%s -> H%s' % (last.GetSymbol(), last.GetTotalNumHs(), last.GetTotalNumHs() + 1)) first.SetNumExplicitHs(max(0, first.GetTotalNumHs() - 1)) last.SetNumExplicitHs(last.GetTotalNumHs() + 1) # Remove any implicit hydrogens from the first and last atoms now we have set the count explicitly first.SetNoImplicit(True) last.SetNoImplicit(True) # Adjust bond orders for bi, pair in enumerate(pairwise(match)): if transform.bonds: # Set the resulting bond types as manually specified in the transform # log.debug('%s-%s: %s -> %s' % (product.GetAtomWithIdx(pair[0]).GetSymbol(), product.GetAtomWithIdx(pair[1]).GetSymbol(), product.GetBondBetweenAtoms(*pair).GetBondType(), transform.bonds[bi])) product.GetBondBetweenAtoms(*pair).SetBondType(transform.bonds[bi]) else: # If no manually specified bond types, just swap single and double bonds current_bond_type = product.GetBondBetweenAtoms(*pair).GetBondType() product.GetBondBetweenAtoms(*pair).SetBondType(BondType.DOUBLE if current_bond_type == BondType.SINGLE else BondType.SINGLE) # log.debug('%s-%s: %s -> %s' % (product.GetAtomWithIdx(pair[0]).GetSymbol(), product.GetAtomWithIdx(pair[1]).GetSymbol(), current_bond_type, product.GetBondBetweenAtoms(*pair).GetBondType())) # Adjust charges if transform.charges: for ci, idx in enumerate(match): atom = product.GetAtomWithIdx(idx) # log.debug('%s: C%s -> C%s' % (atom.GetSymbol(), atom.GetFormalCharge(), atom.GetFormalCharge() + transform.charges[ci])) atom.SetFormalCharge(atom.GetFormalCharge() + transform.charges[ci]) try: Chem.SanitizeMol(product) smiles = Chem.MolToSmiles(product, isomericSmiles=True) log.debug('Applied rule: %s to %s',, tsmiles) if smiles not in tautomers: log.debug('New tautomer produced: %s' % smiles) kekulized_product = copy.deepcopy(product) Chem.Kekulize(kekulized_product) tautomers[smiles] = product kekulized[smiles] = kekulized_product else: log.debug('Previous tautomer produced again: %s' % smiles) except ValueError: log.debug('ValueError Applying rule: %s', done.add(tsmiles) if len(tautomers) == len(done): break else: log.warning('Tautomer enumeration stopped at maximum %s', self.max_tautomers) # Clean up stereochemistry for tautomer in tautomers.values(): Chem.AssignStereochemistry(tautomer, force=True, cleanIt=True) for bond in tautomer.GetBonds(): if bond.GetBondType() == BondType.DOUBLE and bond.GetStereo() > BondStereo.STEREOANY: begin = bond.GetBeginAtomIdx() end = bond.GetEndAtomIdx() for othertautomer in tautomers.values(): if not othertautomer.GetBondBetweenAtoms(begin, end).GetBondType() == BondType.DOUBLE: neighbours = tautomer.GetAtomWithIdx(begin).GetBonds() + tautomer.GetAtomWithIdx(end).GetBonds() for otherbond in neighbours: if otherbond.GetBondDir() in {BondDir.ENDUPRIGHT, BondDir.ENDDOWNRIGHT}: otherbond.SetBondDir(BondDir.NONE) Chem.AssignStereochemistry(tautomer, force=True, cleanIt=True) log.debug('Removed stereochemistry from unfixed double bond') break return list(tautomers.values())