Source code for molvs.normalize

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

This module contains tools for normalizing molecules using reaction SMARTS patterns.

:copyright: Copyright 2016 by Matt Swain.
:license: MIT, see LICENSE file for more details.

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import division
import logging

from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem import AllChem
import six

from .utils import memoized_property

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Normalization(object): """A normalization transform defined by reaction SMARTS.""" def __init__(self, name, transform): """ :param string name: A name for this Normalization :param string transform: Reaction SMARTS to define the transformation. """ log.debug('Initializing Normalization: %s', name) = name self.transform_str = transform @memoized_property def transform(self): log.debug('Loading Normalization transform: %s', return AllChem.ReactionFromSmarts(str(self.transform_str)) def __repr__(self): return 'Normalization({!r}, {!r})'.format(, self.transform_str) def __str__(self): return
#: The default list of Normalization transforms. NORMALIZATIONS = ( # Opposite of #2.1 in InChI technical manual? Covered by RDKit Sanitization. Normalization('Nitro to N+(O-)=O', '[N,P,As,Sb;X3:1](=[O,S,Se,Te:2])=[O,S,Se,Te:3]>>[*+1:1]([*-1:2])=[*:3]'), Normalization('Sulfone to S(=O)(=O)', '[S+2:1]([O-:2])([O-:3])>>[S+0:1](=[O-0:2])(=[O-0:3])'), Normalization('Pyridine oxide to n+O-', '[n:1]=[O:2]>>[n+:1][O-:2]'), Normalization('Azide to N=N+=N-', '[*,H:1][N:2]=[N:3]#[N:4]>>[*,H:1][N:2]=[N+:3]=[N-:4]'), Normalization('Diazo/azo to =N+=N-', '[*:1]=[N:2]#[N:3]>>[*:1]=[N+:2]=[N-:3]'), Normalization('Sulfoxide to -S+(O-)-', '[!O:1][S+0;X3:2](=[O:3])[!O:4]>>[*:1][S+1:2]([O-:3])[*:4]'), # Equivalent to #1.5 in InChI technical manual Normalization('Phosphate to P(O-)=O', '[O,S,Se,Te;-1:1][P+;D4:2][O,S,Se,Te;-1:3]>>[*+0:1]=[P+0;D5:2][*-1:3]'), # Equivalent to #1.8 in InChI technical manual Normalization('C/S+N to C/S=N+', '[C,S;X3+1:1]([NX3:2])[NX3!H0:3]>>[*+0:1]([N:2])=[N+:3]'), # Equivalent to #1.8 in InChI technical manual Normalization('P+N to P=N+', '[P;X4+1:1]([NX3:2])[NX3!H0:3]>>[*+0:1]([N:2])=[N+:3]'), Normalization('Normalize hydrazine-diazonium', '[CX4:1][NX3H:2]-[NX3H:3][CX4:4][NX2+:5]#[NX1:6]>>[CX4:1][NH0:2]=[NH+:3][C:4][N+0:5]=[NH:6]'), # Equivalent to #1.3 in InChI technical manual Normalization('Recombine 1,3-separated charges', '[N,P,As,Sb,O,S,Se,Te;-1:1]-[A+0:2]=[N,P,As,Sb,O,S,Se,Te;+1:3]>>[*-0:1]=[*:2]-[*+0:3]'), Normalization('Recombine 1,3-separated charges', '[n,o,p,s;-1:1]:[a:2]=[N,O,P,S;+1:3]>>[*-0:1]:[*:2]-[*+0:3]'), Normalization('Recombine 1,3-separated charges', '[N,O,P,S;-1:1]-[a:2]:[n,o,p,s;+1:3]>>[*-0:1]=[*:2]:[*+0:3]'), Normalization('Recombine 1,5-separated charges', '[N,P,As,Sb,O,S,Se,Te;-1:1]-[A+0:2]=[A:3]-[A:4]=[N,P,As,Sb,O,S,Se,Te;+1:5]>>[*-0:1]=[*:2]-[*:3]=[*:4]-[*+0:5]'), Normalization('Recombine 1,5-separated charges', '[n,o,p,s;-1:1]:[a:2]:[a:3]:[c:4]=[N,O,P,S;+1:5]>>[*-0:1]:[*:2]:[*:3]:[c:4]-[*+0:5]'), Normalization('Recombine 1,5-separated charges', '[N,O,P,S;-1:1]-[c:2]:[a:3]:[a:4]:[n,o,p,s;+1:5]>>[*-0:1]=[c:2]:[*:3]:[*:4]:[*+0:5]'), # Conjugated cation rules taken from Francis Atkinson's standardiser. Those that can reduce aromaticity aren't included Normalization('Normalize 1,3 conjugated cation', '[N,O;+0!H0:1]-[A:2]=[N!$(*[O-]),O;+1H0:3]>>[*+1:1]=[*:2]-[*+0:3]'), Normalization('Normalize 1,3 conjugated cation', '[n;+0!H0:1]:[c:2]=[N!$(*[O-]),O;+1H0:3]>>[*+1:1]:[*:2]-[*+0:3]'), #Normalization('Normalize 1,3 conjugated cation', '[N,O;+0!H0:1]-[c:2]:[n!$(*[O-]),o;+1H0:3]>>[*+1:1]=[*:2]:[*+0:3]'), Normalization('Normalize 1,5 conjugated cation', '[N,O;+0!H0:1]-[A:2]=[A:3]-[A:4]=[N!$(*[O-]),O;+1H0:5]>>[*+1:1]=[*:2]-[*:3]=[*:4]-[*+0:5]'), Normalization('Normalize 1,5 conjugated cation', '[n;+0!H0:1]:[a:2]:[a:3]:[c:4]=[N!$(*[O-]),O;+1H0:5]>>[n+1:1]:[*:2]:[*:3]:[*:4]-[*+0:5]'), # Normalization('Normalize 1,5 conjugated cation', '[N,O;+0!H0:1]-[c:2]:[a:3]:[a:4]:[n!$(*[O-]),o;+1H0:5]>>[*+1:1]=[c:2]:[*:3]:[*:4]:[*+0:5]'), # Normalization('Normalize 1,5 conjugated cation', '[n;+0!H0:1]1:[a:2]:[a:3]:[a:4]:[n!$(*[O-]);+1H0:5]1>>[n+1:1]1:[*:2]:[*:3]:[*:4]:[n+0:5]1'), # Normalization('Normalize 1,5 conjugated cation', '[n;+0!H0:1]:[a:2]:[a:3]:[a:4]:[n!$(*[O-]);+1H0:5]>>[n+1:1]:[*:2]:[*:3]:[*:4]:[n+0:5]'), # Equivalent to #1.6 in InChI technical manual. RDKit Sanitization handles this for perchlorate. Normalization('Charge normalization', '[F,Cl,Br,I,At;-1:1]=[O:2]>>[*-0:1][O-:2]'), Normalization('Charge recombination', '[N,P,As,Sb;-1:1]=[C+;v3:2]>>[*+0:1]#[C+0:2]'), ) # InChI technical manual has many additional rules that cover situations that are disallowed by RDKit #: The default value for the maximum number of times to attempt to apply the series of normalizations. MAX_RESTARTS = 200
[docs]class Normalizer(object): """A class for applying Normalization transforms. This class is typically used to apply a series of Normalization transforms to correct functional groups and recombine charges. Each transform is repeatedly applied until no further changes occur. """ def __init__(self, normalizations=NORMALIZATIONS, max_restarts=MAX_RESTARTS): """Initialize a Normalizer with an optional custom list of :class:`~molvs.normalize.Normalization` transforms. :param normalizations: A list of :class:`~molvs.normalize.Normalization` transforms to apply. :param int max_restarts: The maximum number of times to attempt to apply the series of normalizations (default 200). """ log.debug('Initializing Normalizer') self.normalizations = normalizations self.max_restarts = max_restarts
[docs] def __call__(self, mol): """Calling a Normalizer instance like a function is the same as calling its normalize(mol) method.""" return self.normalize(mol)
[docs] def normalize(self, mol): """Apply a series of Normalization transforms to correct functional groups and recombine charges. A series of transforms are applied to the molecule. For each Normalization, the transform is applied repeatedly until no further changes occur. If any changes occurred, we go back and start from the first Normalization again, in case the changes mean an earlier transform is now applicable. The molecule is returned once the entire series of Normalizations cause no further changes or if max_restarts (default 200) is reached. :param mol: The molecule to normalize. :type mol: :rdkit:`Mol <Chem.rdchem.Mol-class.html>` :return: The normalized fragment. :rtype: :rdkit:`Mol <Chem.rdchem.Mol-class.html>` """ log.debug('Running Normalizer') # Normalize each fragment separately to get around quirky RunReactants behaviour fragments = [] for fragment in Chem.GetMolFrags(mol, asMols=True): fragments.append(self._normalize_fragment(fragment)) # Join normalized fragments into a single molecule again outmol = fragments.pop() for fragment in fragments: outmol = Chem.CombineMols(outmol, fragment) Chem.SanitizeMol(outmol) return outmol
def _normalize_fragment(self, mol): for n in six.moves.range(self.max_restarts): # Iterate through Normalization transforms and apply each in order for normalization in self.normalizations: product = self._apply_transform(mol, normalization.transform) if product: # If transform changed mol, go back to first rule and apply each again'Rule applied: %s', mol = product break else: # For loop finishes normally, all applicable transforms have been applied return mol # If we're still going after max_restarts (default 200), stop and warn, but still return the mol log.warning('Gave up normalization after %s restarts', self.max_restarts) return mol def _apply_transform(self, mol, rule): """Repeatedly apply normalization transform to molecule until no changes occur. It is possible for multiple products to be produced when a rule is applied. The rule is applied repeatedly to each of the products, until no further changes occur or after 20 attempts. If there are multiple unique products after the final application, the first product (sorted alphabetically by SMILES) is chosen. """ mols = [mol] for n in six.moves.range(20): products = {} for mol in mols: for product in [x[0] for x in rule.RunReactants((mol,))]: if Chem.SanitizeMol(product, catchErrors=True) == 0: products[Chem.MolToSmiles(product, isomericSmiles=True)] = product if products: mols = [products[s] for s in sorted(products)] else: # If n == 0, the rule was not applicable and we return None return mols[0] if n > 0 else None